
Mary's Project: I 've designed a hyperstudio project focusing on "People of Destiny." Third graders will work in pairs to research a famous historical person. After reading the book they will create and present a 4 page hyperstudio project focusing on the essential question in the unit: How did this person make the world a better place? and Describe and explain the personality traits this individual demonstrated that helped him/her become  successful? Pairs will work from a rubric and a criteria list which requires them to use certain components of Hyperstudio. Projects will be presented in an open house forum that includes parent and community members.

person of destiny unit plan.doc 

oseola McCarty.stk 

Biography journal draft.doc 


Dolly & Jackie's Project:  We designed a Digital Storytelling Unit Native American Digital Storytelling Unit.doc Digital Storytelling Rubric.doc  as a culmination project for our students' Native American Studies.  Students will work in groups of 2 or 3 and create a Photo Story Project focused on a specific Native American Tribe.  They will research their tribe and region to answer the Essential Question:  How did the native peoples' habitat, food, shelter, and customs support their lifestyle?  Projects will be shared with other students and possibly parents at our Native American feast.